Friday, November 20, 2009

The Element of Freedom.

[ Def. of Freedom: n. : the quality or state of being free. ]
-Webster's dictionary for your asses.

-why should you save yourself from the crazzy shit called life?
&& before i continue, NO this is not going to be about slavery.

What im trying to say is:

*As a teenager I'm able to do a lot of things. My mom is not the stricist parent in the world; not because she's not a strong-willed person, but because she understands that [experience is the best teacher] & no ONE is going to teach me about life better than myself.

Now, i can go on for days. etc etc etc !
but im not that type of blogger cause I AM NOT here to bore you.

Freedom is important. no matter how old you are, you need to be able to Live Your Life.

Now i understand, yu have restrictions. im NOT saying go ahead and fuck the wrld & drink your ass off, && your only like 16 yrs. young! Im saying if you want to go to the movies, or a party, even down the street to your friends house. You should be able to.

-Parents are too dayum over protective. You need to understand that your lil [baby] is about to be a grown ass adult. No one, & i mean NO ONE is going to teach you better than life. God design the world for you to fall, so you can learn what you did; and get right back up and try again.

-I'm not going to bullshit & say: "oh sit down with your parent and show him/her that your a great person, etc. etc. etc!" I'm telling you to make a stand !!! Show them that you are responsible, and that you are growing up. Get your liscense, get a job, throw the teddy bears out, && take down those Hannah Montana posters. Show them your ready to make a big step from a child to an adult.

-Life should be full of drama, laughs, bad days, good days, cries, cheers, and basically a ride of things that are going to be surprsing. Being able to go through these experiences; && LEARNING from them, that's the element of Freedom.


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i READ this because . . .